Contact us

Send a  message to our General Contacts mailbox.

  1. Click General Contacts mailbox below
  2. Then click the  Send Message  button
  3. Compose your message and click  Send 

Copyright 2022 Lake Monona Sailing Club | All Rights Reserved

This is an example of a page that can be used to display contact information for your organization.

You could add a social profile gadget or subscription form gadget to provide additional ways for visitors to contact you.

The more clear your contact information is, the more more likely people will contact you with their questions.

Place your address here:

456 Street name, City, State, Country, Zip/postal code

You can include here an interactive Google map with your organization address instead of this text block.


Feel free to stop by Stonebridge Park or Olin Park before or after a race to meet a few club sailors and ask questions. Races are generally held on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons as well as holidays. Please see the calendar tab for more details.


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